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This saga is full of mixed emotions such as sweetness, pessimistic attitudes, losses of close people, and love. It tells the story of a futuristic time when wealthy people could upload their consciousness to a kind of earthly heaven. Upload is a 2020 science fiction and comedy series available on Amazon Prime. This mini-series has eight episodes and stars Toni Colette and Colin Firth.

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Peterson is a writer accused of murdering his wife, who fell down the stairs. The HBO Max mini-series The Staircase is based on another 2001 Netflix documentary-type production that tells the story of Michael Peterson. Let’s start with this top 10 of the best shows to watch in 2022, with details on the cast, how many seasons they have, and a brief description of the series. We have ten options to watch in 2022 that, for their plot, effects, and scenographies, are among the top choices for the general public. Suppose you are bored these days and are looking for a series to watch with friends, family, or on your own.

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